Unit Trusts

574 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Do we NEVER learn from mistakes on Unit Trusts and why are the Tories kicking me in the gonads to please a fat slob on welfare?

I discuss OEICS (Unit Trusts) and liquidity and then the bumper pay rise for the welfare classes paid for by you and I. Can Peter Brailey, or any other Tory out there, explain how this is fair or fits in with basic Conservative principles? I can’t.


1745 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why Monkey must resist temptation so much, part 2

In today’s podcasts I look at calls to ban OIECS, Unit Trusts, in the wake of various disasters include the Neil Woodford affair and make my own suggestion of reform. I also again look at commercial property stocks and an unfolding catastrophe hitting the sector.
